Speak Louder "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." It is a strategy called "Big Lie" used by many but most well known used by Adolf Hitler. But it is still used by many politicians and businesses. The concept is that people will believe anything if it was repeated many t...
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投稿日 2019-09-05 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
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80% of you think customers are happy. In fact only about 30 of people are happy. Customers will not teach you how to run your business. But if you do not know what your customers felling, you have no business running business. OpinionStnad is a easy to implement and easy to use opinion gathering system. https://www.op...
投稿日 2019-09-04 09:05
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
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投稿日 2019-09-04 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
For less than $21 per month, you will have (1) your own domain registered (2) operate unlimited email accounts using your domain (3) huge space for your web pages Now you can purchase domain online at https://www.dreamersi.com
PSPinc's domain-web-email hosting services are accepted in one of the most competitive markets in the world, Japan. Check out the future rich hosting environment for your company. https://www.dreamersi.com
Mayumi just left for Japan. She will be back in 10 days. I am a driver today and dog sitter for next 10 days.
投稿日 2019-09-02 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We just renewed our https://www.dreamersi.com website and you can buy PSPinc domain-web-email hosting service online. When you are ready to buy, we will take you to my.pspinc.com which enables you to select and buy your domain.