Making blog work for your business. Like any other web services, you need to spend time and put in some effort. You need to update your blog. People will not come to the web site that is not updated, so as your blog. The amount of time that you need to spend has the direct relationship to how many people will visit your...
Web hosting and Internet solutions provider Pacific Software Publishing (www.pspinc.com) has successfully completed a Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70 (SAS 70) Type 1 Audit of its controls and processes, assuring customers their data is secure, based on specific standards. According to PSP's Wednesday announcem...
After my two-week trip to Japan, I finally made it back to Seattle. I took this photo from the airplane when it flew over downtown Seattle. Click on the photo to enlarge.
Yakitori is a Japanese type of skewered chicken.Some are salted and others have Teriyaki style.
Todays maintenance has been postponed until a later date. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.
I had a chance to visit Ueno Park in Tokyo. It is a very large park and is home to many museums and statues. One of the statues is this DR. HIDEO NOGUCHI. He found the cure for Yellow Fever. For more information, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hideyo_Noguchi
Were going to add some Bloguru new feature on Monday morning(June 8th). Bloguru will be down during the system upgrade. We apologize for the inconveni...
BLOGURU.COM could not revert the reply comment posted when we had tecnical dificality yesterday. We're really sorry for your inconvenience. Thank you for using BLOGURU
BLOGURU.COM cound not accept any posting for last 5 hours. This was caused by preapring the system upgrade in two days. The system was reverted back and is now operating. We are very sorry about this.
We had technical difficulty in between 11:30am to 3:30pm today. We've fixed the problem. We're really sorry for your inconvenience.