Seattle Met magazine named Ron Allen and 12 other attorneys from his firm Socius Law Group among the most respected lawyers in Seattle!
Dan Price, co-founder of our member company Gravity Payments recently received the National SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Dan was also honored to spend time with President Barack Obama.
Take a look at the image below and tell me which way she is turning. If she is turning clock wise, you are right brain centric and vice versa. I saw her turning clockwise but after I found out I can see her turning another way, I can't see her turning clockwise anymore. It is very interesting.
Tonight we were invited to UNION BANK's reception at Seattle Art Museum. There were more than 500 people attended this reception. UNION BANK is a subsidiary of Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. We had account with Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi but they have closed the branch office in Seattle. So now we will be working with UNION...
If you are a restaurant owner and you wanted to sell something over the others, you will have a SPECIAL on the menu. And it is safe to assume everything that you have for sale is on the menu. If you don't put something on the menu, you will not likely to sell the item not on the menu. But when it comes to Internet and C...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. launched upgrades its web hosting service. For more information, visit our web site. http://www.dreamersi.com
Our web hosting service has new logo. I think it is cool. You can see this logo at new website at http://dreamersi.com/
Twitter is getting very popular in Japan. I have opened the Twitter Japanese account. My Japanese Bloguru post is automatically updating the Japanese Twitter account. Is Twitter good for your business? I don't know. But it is better to do something than doing nothing.
I tried to use my credit card to purchase rather large item. However, the card was declined. I guess it is one of the security mechanism to protect the card company. However, it is well under my limit and was really annoying. I have filed the patent last year to avoid this type of situations. I wish the card company has im...
We have just released the upgraded version of our Web Hosting service. R&D Department worked really hard to get this out. But when we released this new version, our Sales Department did nothing. No Press Release, No Customer Announcements, Not even mentioned in the newsletter that just went out. What a heck ar...