There is an adult video store targeting Japanese tourists in Honolulu. But in this Internet age, why would you need to go to a store and buy those videos (DVDs). This is business is dying because of the Internet. I took this picture in Honolulu last week.
I don't understand this. Why would you buy a gift certificate at the price that is higher than the face value of the card. It is like a buying $100 bill for over $100. Amazon Gift Certificate
I purchased refurbished Mac Pro and it arrived last Friday. I did not have time to setup, so I started unpacking today. I got to the point it is boot up and stopped. I wanted three upgrades to be done before I go any farther. (1) Upgrade memory from 4GB to 8GB (2) Add 1TB hard disk (3) Upgrade OS from 10.5 to 10.6 I o...
I am back in Seattle for little over 2 days. It started rain this morning. It looks like typical fall wether in seattle. Do I miss Hawaii? If I say "No", it will be a lie, but if I live in Hawaii, I would not now how good Hawaii is. Besides, the weather here is not that bad. I can work better here.
We have just completed our first home made server for disk access intensive application such as http://www.clocklink.com. This server uses ultrafast intel processor with dual Solid State Disk (SSD) for ultra fast disk access. This prototype will be used as one of the http://www.clocklink.com servers for farther testing and...
My first visit to the US was to Hawaii in 1974. I took this picture ... two days ago. I used the software to make it look old.
I took 12:50pm flight out of Hawaii and arrived in Seattle 9:30pm. It was little less than 6 hour flight. Although I did not have very much time for sight seeing, I met several people from Executives Associations from Canada and the USA. It was very interesting and educational. We also met a few local business people and star...
4.35 for single latter at Starbucks in Hilton. They don't even have free wi-fi. They said it is owned by Hilton. I guess they are not looking for any repeat business.
Ken Hoving of PSR - HVAC & Mechanical Services achieved his new member plaque at SEA meeting yesterday.
Wally Amos known for Famous Amos Cookies was the guest speaker at IEA luncheon on Wednesday. Pictured with Mr. Amos is John Huey of Viking Bank