I just received the new card with IC Chip. I activated the new card and shredded the old one. Not only limited to bank card, people are now more and more concerned about security. People are starting to use encrypted web sites, text messaging and email system. What are you doing about your security? If you are more c...
My daughter, Azusa, who was here fro christmas and New Year is heading back to New York today. I wish her well. Pompom will miss her.
If you drive car with no emission control anywhere in the US, that will be illegal and you will be criminally charged. But if you sell cars (a lot of them) with no emission control knowingly, you will get fined but you are not prosecuted at criminal court. That is what US government is doing. They will fine VW a lot but there...
US government decided to sue VW but not in criminal court. US may be asking for Bing sum of money but nobody is going to jail. It's the same thing as when the US market crashed ... No criminal charges are filed. This is not right. Why do government always protect big companies and their management. If this wa a small...
It is a very cold but beautiful morning here in Bellevue. Due to the cold temp. we are not able to play golf today.
My daughter handed me my old check book from over 20 years ago. I found a lot of things and I will post them. For today, I am posting my check from my past. I used to love this bank.
Kelly Cudworth of NuLeaf Office Solutions addressed Seattle Execs on January 6 for the first time as President of the Association. Here are some excer...
I dropped my iPhone 6 Plus this morning while I was walking my dog. (It may be other way round.) It cracked the glass (that is what I thought). Luckily, I had screen protector ... and when I peeled it, there is not even a scratch on the iPhone. I need to buy it again.
No, I am not asking you to buy a new PC. As a matter of fact, there are things you can do to your PC that makes your PC screaming fast at not much money. (1) If you can upgrade your memory. If you have 4GB or less on your PC, you should consider upgrading it to 8GB. If you already have 8GB, you can upgrade to 16...
It is just stunning to see what this girl (less than 100lbs) can eat this much calories. There are while series of videos produced by her but it is just amazing.If I eat like this, I would weigh 500lbs in no time.