This stock photo is a fish-eye view of the Capitol building in Washing DC. This is a view of the East side of the capitol, although both the East and the West sides are officially referred to as the front side. The east side was originally designed for visitors and arrivals of dignitaries. For more Royalty free stock photos visit F...
Kujira (Kindergarten) students enjoyed bread making class today. They tried measuring, mixing, kneading, rising, and shaping with kitchen staff. Everybody enjoyed their own hearty handmade breads.
This is a perfect photo of what Washington state has to offer, Beautiful scenery, green trees, mountains and clouds. When browsing Free Tiny Images I came across this photo and just had to post it. I love Mt. Rainier. Check out Free Tiny Images.com for more royalty free stock photos.
Recently a bug was reported in regards to posting an image to your blog via the iPhone. The issue is that when you write any text before an image (not after), the text is not being posted to your blog. We will be investigating this issue and hope to have a fix available for this in January. We apologize for any inconvenience...
This snowy mountain range reminds me of driving over the Cascade mountain range, and although this photo probably wasn't taken around this time of year, it is very beautiful none the less. For more scenic photos and Loads of other great royalty free stock photos, visit Free Tiny Images.com
Recently a bug was reported that users are unable to complete the bloguru account registration procedure using an iPhone due to a layout issue with the registration form. We are currently working on fixing the issue and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will have a fix out early January.
I really want to take one of these out for a joyride! Just look at those tires that are on that thing, they are like monster truck tires. I wonder if that thing can do wheelies? I would try if I had the chance. For more completely random royalty free stock photos check out Free Tiny Images.com
This photo of Seattle's Pike Place Market. The market first opened on August 7th 1907, It is still one of the countries largest public farmers markets. It remains one of of Seattle's most visited tourist destinations. For more royalty free stock photos, visit Free Tiny Images.com
This smooth-as-glass lake looks so cool with those low clouds. Looks like a perfect surface for skipping rocks! For more royalty free stock photos visit Free Tiny Images.com
It's hard to believe that there are only few weeks left this year! Children are excited about Holiday Season and talk about Santa Clause or presents... Bellevue Megumi had anual Holiday Concert on Saturay, 10. It was a fun event with fun songs and performance by children.