
No.1 Free Blog Clock

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Reminder: Flash Clock in Chrome Issue

This is a reminder that Google Chrome has changed the way they will handle any Flash media content. With the version of Google Chrome released on September 1, 2015 and all versions going forward, a play/pause button will now overlay the Flash content. To see the content function, users will be required to click on it. This includes ClockLink Flash clocks.

At this time we highly encourage users to switch to our HTML5 clocks so that their website and blog visitors do not experience this problem. HTML5 clocks will function correctly and not experience the same issues that Flash clocks do.

If you wish to continue using a Flash clock in combination with the Google Chrome browser you (and your website users) will need to take the following actions in Chrome:

1. Open Preferences

2. Under Privacy click the Content Settings button

3. Under Plugins change the option to 'Run all plugin content'

Thank you for using ClockLink.com!


Google Chrome Flash Update Pauses Clocks

Google Chrome Flash Update P...
As of the September 1st release of Google Chrome, the browser will now automatically pause Flash media by default. They have taken this initiative to significantly reduce power consumption by personal computers and to shore up any potential security exploits that may exist with Flash. ClockLink users running Google Chrome may now notice a 'play' button that appears on top of their Flash clocks.

We highly encourage users to switch to one of our HTML5 clocks so their website and blog users do not experience this issue.

If you wish to continue using a Flash clock in combination with the Google Chrome browser you (and your website users) will need to take the following actions in Chrome:

1. Open Preferences

2. Under Privacy click the Content Settings button

3. Under Plugins change the option to 'Run all plugin content'

Thank you for using ClockLink.com!


New Site Released

We have just released our new site to enhance the user experience on mobile devices. You can now easily browse our clocks from any device.

We have also changed the HTML5 World and Random Timezone Clocks. North Korea is now using GMT +8:30 per its official change on August 15th.

As always, thank you for using clocklink.com!


Register with our Beta Rankings feature!

We have just released a new beta feature to ClockLink to enhance our rankings section of the website. If you have a ClockLink clock embedded on your web site or blog you can now register with us to qualify for our top sites ranking feature.

If your website is 1 of the top 10 ranked websites in terms of clock views your site will be promoted and linked to within our rankings section. This will provide your website with fantastic visibility to all ClockLink users. Click here to register your website with ClockLink.

Thank you for your continued support!


Local Time and World Clock Fixes

Today we're releasing a new Local Time feature for our HTML5 clocks only. When creating the embed code for HTML5 clocks, you can now select "Viewer's Local Time" from the timezone pulldown. Clocks set to display Viewer's Local Time will match the time of the computer used to view the clock.

We have also made a number of fixes to the HTML5 World Clock, as certain cities were showing the incorrect time. The cities of Thule and Asuncion will no longer be selectable on the HTML5 World Clock, but those cities will still display correctly for old embeds of the HTML5 World Clock. However, we strongly encourage anyone with an embed of the HTML5 World Clock of Thule or Asuncion to update them to select a different city.

Lastly, we have fixed the issues with the HTML5 Random Timezones World Clock, so today we are making it available for embedding again.

Please visit the HTML5 Random Timezones World Clock page to get started embedding the new clock.

Thank you for using Clocklink.com!


HTML5 Random World Clock Issue

We are aware that there is an issue with the HTML5 Random World Clock occasionally displaying incorrect times. We are temporarily removing the HTML5 Random World Clock from the World Clock page while we investigate this issue.

Thank you for your patience!


New Clocks Released

Sample Image of HTML5 World... Sample Image of HTML5 World Clock Random Timezones
Today we're releasing three new clocks. One is a new world clock that will display times in three random timezones. It can be found on the world clocks page.



The other two are two new designer HTML5 clocks, click here for HTML5 023 or here for HTML5 024 to start using them.

We've also made a fix to our Flash World Clock, as it was displaying the incorrect timezone if you selected "AEST" from the pulldown menu while generating your embed code.

Thank you for using Clocklink.com


New HTML5 clock Released

Today we are releasing a new HTML5 clock design. This rustic clock will look great on your website or blog.

Click Here to start using the clock today!

Thank you for using Clocklink.com



Page Views

Today we've added a display of today's page views to Clocklink.com's layout. In addition, we've made a couple small fixes to our website:

-Updated our Facebook like and share buttons

-The Gallery menu no longer collapses when you navigate through the gallery

Thank you for using Clocklink.com!


Calgary, Canada Timezone Bug Fix

Today we have released a bug fix for the Calgary, Canada timezone. The bug was causing the timezone displayed to be one hour behind, but now it should show the correct time.

Thank you for using Clocklink.com!


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