The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test (日本漢字能力検定 Nihon Kanji Nōryoku Kentei) evaluates one's knowledge of kanji. The test is more commonly known as the Kanji Kentei (漢字検定) or shorter, Kanken (漢検). The test is administered by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation (日本漢字能力検定協会 Nihon Kanji Nōryoku Kentei Kyōkai).
We are happy to offer you the opportunities to take this test at BCA2 on Sunday, February 11th, 2024. Please contact Saturday School office by Saturday, January 6th if you need any help registering for this test. All the questions and instructions for the test are in Japanese only.
Save the date for 2024-2025 BCA Saturday School Middle High School Online Information Session(in Japanese)
for Middle and High School Grades (students and Parents)
Date: Saturday, January 27 at 3p.m.
Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting
About: Class description and class choices
*2024-2025 BCA Saturday School Pre-K through 6th grades Online Information Session will be held on Sunday, January 28th at 10a.m.
Sign up from here.
Saturday School will be closed on following days.
11/11 No Saturday School(Veteran's Day)
11/25 No Saturday School (Thanksgiving Holiday)
12/16-12/30 Winter Break