Unlimited Japanese Video Lessons

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Let's learn Hiragana.

Today's topic is Hiragana. Hiragana is the basic Japanese phonetic alphabet. Let's learn how to read, write and pronounce Hiragana.

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Try to eat Japanese Bento

Bento is a Japanese-style packed lunch.(弁当(べんとう)は日本の昼食のスタイルの一つです。)

I think that bento is really popular with Japanese businessmen who want to save money and have lunch early. (弁当は特にお金を節約したいとか、早くお昼をすませたい日本のビジネスマンに人気があります。)

Also you can buy a bento in convenience stores where so many bentos are sold. (コンビニエンスストアには、たくさんの種類の弁当が売られており、そこで買うことができます。)
#aboutjapan #japaneseonline #jol


Minatomirai is beautiful

Do you know Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse?
This is famous sightseeing spots at Yokohama.
It often hold an event.

It hold Germany's event today.

There are Germany's beer, sausage and potato.
#JOL #Minatomirai


What is Golden Week?

Golden Week refers to the period from April 29th to May 5th when there are four national holidays.(ゴールデンウイークは4月29日から5月5日までの期間を言います。)

Including Saturdays and Sundays many Japanese have more than a week of holidays at this time.(この間には祝日が4日もあり、土日を加えて1週間以上の休暇をとれる人が大勢います。)

Many Japanese spend their time with their families and travel somewhere. (多くは、家族と時間を過ごしたり、どこかに旅行に行ったりします。)
#aboutjapan #japaneseonline #jol #uchikuraco


Do you have a ring holder?

Today I went to a major appliance store, Yodobashi Kamera to buy the iPad. (今日、わたしはiPadを買うためにヨドバシカメラという電気屋に行きました。)

In this store there are every kind of appliance like vacuum cleaners, washing machines and refrigerators...(この店では、掃除機(そうじき)や洗濯機(せんたくき)、冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ))などさまざまな電家製品が売られています。)

One of what surprised me is that there are so many ring holders and I guess they have at least one hundred types of ones. (たくさんのリングホルダー、少なくとも100個ほどが売られており、それは私を驚かせました。)

Also they are selling them at 2000 japanese yen that is equivalent to $20 and these prices are really really expensive......(それらのリングホルダーの価格は2000円($20)であり、とても高かったです。

How do I know them?? (どうしてそんなこと分かるかって??)

Actually we are also selling a ring holder thorough our website and this is much inexpensive but not cheaper than ones sold in the appliance store in Japan and also (実は、私たちもリングホルダーをオンラインで販売しているからです。また、価格は日本で売られているものよりもすごく安いく、品質も良いです。)

If you have interest in our product, don't hesitate to contact with us. (興味のある方がいたら、遠慮なくご連絡下さい。)

#aboutjapan #japaneseonline #jol #uchikuraco


There are many kinds of sushi.

(You can eat many kind of sushi in Japan.)

(You haven't seen any sushi yet.)

(Have you seen sushi of picture?)

#JOL #sushi


How are honorifics used?

One of the most confusing things about honorifics is that the choice of respectful or humble terms depends on the person you are talking about.

For instance, when Japanese people talk with others about family members or people at their companies, they should use humble words.

If you want to study more grammar, you can visit our website.

#grammar #japaneseonline #jol


Spring has come in Japan.

Today I went to Nakameguro to see so many cherry blossoms. (今日、私はサクラを見るために、中目黒(なかめぐろ)にいきました。)

There are so many cherry blossom's spot in Japan like Shinjuku Gyoen and
Showa Memorial Park.(日本には、新宿御苑や昭和記念公園といったように、サクラをみれる場所がたくさんあります。)

I think the best place is Meguro River and there are approximately 800 cherry trees line along with Meguro River for several hundred meters. (私が思うに、一番のスポットは、目黒川です。数百メートルにわたって、およそ800本のサクラを見ることができます。)

#aboutjapan #cherryblossom #japaneseonline #jol #tokyo


There are many freshmans at univercity!

There are many people at univercity entrance.

We see this situation every spring at univercity.

Can you imagine what it is?

The answer is welcome party.
Senior students hold welcome party for freshman.

Because they want to take new member to their club.

Welcome party hold everyday and many places.
#JOL #japan #university #welcomeparty


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