

  • Bloguru Contest Continues through July

Bloguru Contest Continues through July

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Bloguru Contest Continues thro...
Bloggers, Get Back to Blogging - the Bloguru Buddy with the most hits wins!!

Mayumi Nakamura, of Pacific Software Publishing, announced that PSP will continue their Bloguru contest through the end of July.

This means you have one more chance to win a free ACER netbook from PSP! You have one more month to get back to your Bloguru accounts and bring your postings up-to-date with current and interesting news about your business. Blogs are a great way to bring visitors and potential clients right to your business, but only when they find your blog sites current and valuable!

If you're not blogging already, set up an account today. It's FREE!! Call Mayumi Nakamura or Ken Uchikura at 425-957-0808 to get started. Visit the SEA blog for all the latest association news.


  • ブログルメンバーの方は下記のページからログインをお願いいたします。
  • まだブログルのメンバーでない方は下記のページから登録をお願いいたします。