
Sales & Marketing Minute

The Sales & Marketing Minute sponsored by the Associate Group

How long does it take for a hot lead to get cold?

In a recent study, at the Kellogg School of Management over a million telephone cold calling actions from 50 companies were examined. What they found!!!! Leads get cold in one hour.

So if your goal is to increase sales and hot leads turn into cold leads in a heartbeat,

What are the top 5 things you can do?

  1. Make sure voice mail is checked every hour.
  2. If possible, make sure email is also checked every hour.
  3. Have a system to process new contacts by making sure someone in your company takes ownership for each new lead.
  4. Be committed to follow-up. It’s true, 50% of all leads are left untouched
  5. And the big one. Don’t ever give up.

80% of all sales are made between the eighth and twelfth contacts.

So think about it. When you want information, how fast do you want it?
Right now. Right? So evaluate YOUR responsiveness. If you’re too busy, delegate. Figure something out to make sure that your prospects are handled in less than an hour.

Charmel Bowden
Business Development
Turk's Head
Design ? Photography ? Marketing
13545 Erickson Pl. NE ? Seattle, WA 98125
tel. 206.782.4164 ext. 112

#Business #Marketing


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