
Seattle Execs Acquaintance BINGO!

Seattle Execs Acquaintance BIN...
It's Official!
Seattle Execs Acquaintance BINGO has Started - Be a Winner!

The Acquaintance Committee has officially started Seattle Execs Acquaintance BINGO!

This is to be a great way to get members out there and acquainted with as many of member Execs as a member can between NOW and October 21st, PLUS, the members will have a chance to win some extra CA$H and great prizes!

BINGO cards were distributed at yesterday's meeting, along with the rules and guidelines. To play you must be an Executive member, Alternate member, or Associate member. To complete a square on the bingo card you need to visit only one member in each box, but it must be a face-to-face visit.
LOTS of Great Prizes!

Remember to bring your bingo card to the meetings each week to be eligible to win! You will report how many members you have seen during the week.
If you didn't get a Bingo card, print off one that is attached to this newsletter. Instructions are included.

First member to complete a Straight Line Bingo (checking off at least one name in each box) and to contact Melissa wins the First Fabulous Prize! (Must bring your bingo card to the meeting to receive prize.)

Click here to download the file for play
#Business #Marketing


  • ブログルメンバーの方は下記のページからログインをお願いいたします。
  • まだブログルのメンバーでない方は下記のページから登録をお願いいたします。
Gary Granquistさんからコメント
投稿日 2009-10-15 07:55

I am proud to report that with seven visits to date and a straight line bingo I was the winner of the day today at the luncheon.  BINGO!
