
Oddway International



Bdenza 40mg Enzalutamide Capsule Online Price

Bdenza 40mg Enzalutamide Cap...
About Bdenza 40 mg & It’s Uses

Anticancer medicine Bdenza which comes in capsule form, manufactured by BDR Pharmaceuticals Int'l Pvt Ltd. It is composition of Enzalutamide, a generic name for the brand name Xtandi, sometimes doctors can recommend it with this name.

Bdenza 40 mg are prescribed for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC).
Prostate cancer continues to grow even when testosterone levels in the body are very low. It is primarily used in patients with progressive disease during or after docetaxel therapy.

How Bdenza 40 mg capsule work?

It belongs to the group of medicines known as antiandrogen (anti-testosterone). It works by blocking the effect of the natural male hormones on the growth of prostate cells.

Available Substitutes of Bdenza 40mg

Indenza 40 mg Enzalutamide Capsules price
Hetero Drugs Enzana 40 mg Enzalutamide Capsule
Obnyx 40 mg Enzalutamide Capsule online

Dosage of Bdenza Capsules

Take this medicine exactly as prescribed by the doctor or healthcare professionals. Usually it is taken with or without food once a day. Take the Bdenza capsule around the same time every day. Follow all instructions on the prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets.

Warning & Precautions

  • Before taking this medicine, tell the doctor if you ever had any head injury, brain tumor, heart disease or high blood pressure problem.

  • Bdenza Capsule is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women; it may harm your unborn baby.

  • This medicine rarely causes seizures, so talk to your doctor if sudden loss of consciousness should avoid activities that can cause serious harm to you and others.

  • Do not take this medication if you have any allergic problem or if you are allergic to Enzalutamide or other active ingredient.

  • This medicine is not recommended for use in women, children and adolescents.

  • When you take Bdenza capsule, you may feel dizzy or sleepy. So avoid driving or operate any machinery during the treatment.

  • Side Effects:

  • Headache

  • Weakness

  • Diarrhea

  • Back pain

  • High blood pressure

  • Hot flashes

  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty in breathing

  • Nausea

  • Back pain

  • Blurred vision

  • Bdenza 40 mg Capsule Price - Enzalutamide

    Order Bdenza 40 mg capsule, an anticancer medicine which is used to treat prostate cancer. Get fast delivery services at Oddway International (bulk medicine distributor). If you want to order BDR Bdenza 40 mg at lowest cost visit our website.
    Trusted wholesale supplier of Bdenza Enzalutamide and it’s alternatives Glenza 40mg, Obnyx 40mg & Enzamide 40 mg capsules

    To inquire directly contact us by mail: sales@oddwayinternational.com

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