To maintain high standard of service, businesses need to practice. That is no different from the game golf. If you want to play better, you need to pr...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ended remote work which we started March 2020. Welcome back everyone. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Softw...
To be natural... why? I've heard people say things like "what will be will be" and "be spontaneous." In short, I think it means not to go against the ...
It is nice to see all the overgrown bushes are trimmed. No we can see outside. Getting office ready for people coming back. https://pspinc.com Kenichi...
Due to the extreme heat yesterday, AC Units at one of our buildings went down. PSR Mechanical is here first in the morning to look into the issue. Tha...
Today we hit 103F This is not the first time we hit over 100, but I fear there are many houses that has no A/C. Ihope everyone is okay. Go golf this w...
The temperature at 2:20pm has risen up to 99F. I am in the air conditioned office with the temperature if 73F. We must make sure our datacenter at HQ ...
I just received new set of Irons delivered by FedEx. I am very excited. This is my very first set with R shafts. I know the clubs are not the biggest ...
What is your color? Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ken.uchikura@pspinc.com __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__....
We held an Eastside Seattle Executives Association Meeting at PSPINC. It is really nice to see people in person. The Seattle Executives Association me...