PSPINC was formed July 7, 1987. Tomorrow marks the start of 25th year in operation.
Boeing 787 arrives in Japan. The first delivery should take place later this year. ANA is the first airline to place an order to 787 when it was announced.
PSPINC is one of the most popular web and email hosting companies for Japanese companies in Japan hosting more than 37,000 corporate domains. We have started out hosting service back in 1996. Our companies is in business for 24 years. We are looking to expand our hosting business in the US, especially in Seattle are...
This building on the Kirkland waterfront is for sale. Okay, but what is going to happen to the burger restaurant??? There are still many businesses going out of business. I see many empty buildings and empty store fronts. I see very little sign of economic recovery here in the US. But it is also true that businesses are start...
We had a small booth at Northwest Minority Supplier Development Council trade show today.
It seems Amazon started exactly what http://www.groupon.com does. It is getting interesting.
In business, wolf in sheep's closing does very little to your company. If you are good at something, you should let the people know. If people think you are sheep, although you are a wolf inside, you are still a sheep. This Audi has Lamborghini V10 engine in it. So, what! I rather have Lamborghini.
While this week, Mayumi Nakamura, CEO of PSPINC is at University of Washington for some type of Management Training Course. That means, PSPINC is operating without her for last 4 days now. It is not good as a company to loose CEO, but it is good for the company to be able to operate without her. Mayumi does so much...
Here are a QR Code & Calendar printed PSPINC 2011-2012 paper cup. Interesting idea. We are asking how much now. The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
PSPINC just released the site that enables you to upload your photos and share them with the world. Small versions are free but you are allow to sell the full size versions. http://www.freetinyimages.com/ Even if you are not interested in sharing or selling your photos, please visit the site. You can download cool images co...