We have staff 24/7 to watch and take care of any problem associated with our services.
投稿日 2019-09-17 02:55
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We have run two advertisements (Facebook call them Boosts) on Facebook posts. Looking at the result, you can get as much as 300 times the reach compared to organic results. If your goal is t bring more people to your Facebook posts, you really should consider using Boosts. Boosts should start at $5 per day and is not...
If you had a good experience with any company, people would like to hear about it by means of "Reviews". If you want to write a reviews, here is how you do it. Please check the process above. If you walked like to know more about Google Review for you business, please contact us at info@pspinc.com We are more than ...
投稿日 2019-09-14 09:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
夏が終わりかけていて、日が短く、天気の悪い日も多くなってきました。 今年の夏は短かった・・・また一つ年寄りになった。 逆に言うとポンポンに会える日が毎日きかずいています。...
This is a simple design for our new company van ... Ford Transit Connect. Great little van. New logo will be printed and applied by https://www.buygreensigns.com
Heinrich’s Law There are few theories that I believe and try to follow. One of them is called Heinrich’s Law. It is also known as Accident Pyramid. Ac...
Mayumi Nakamura, PSPinc's Director of Business Development, had very fruitful business trip to Jaoan and came back today. She brought some goodies from Japan.
メールがループする現象が発生している最中に受信したメールの中に、件名に[UNCHECKED]のタグが付いて配送されたメールがございました。 通常、何等かの理由でウィルスチェックがされなかった場合に[UNCHECKED]と付きますが、今回は正常にウィルスチェックが動作していたにも関わらず誤ってスタンプ...
All emails that were looping during the incident have [UNCHECKED] in the subject. Those emails were properly virus checked although they happend to ha...
We have been running facebook advertisements on Dreamersi.com Domain, Web and Email hosting. When you run an advertisement, you have an access to the place called AdCenter. From the AdCenter you can control your advertisement. Also, it tell you how your advertisements are doing. Please take look at images above wi...