ご挨拶 いつも弊社のサービスご利用頂きまして有難うございます。 このニュースメールでは、ウェブ・Eメールホスティング、ウェブ開発、ニュースレター配信、その他のサービスをご利用頂いているお客様のビジネスを、更にサポートするための我々の取り組みを少しでも知って頂くことを目的に私が書いています。 万が一、...
HELLO FROM KEN Thank you for being our customer. We are excited to let you know what we are working on so that we may be able to assist your business in some small way. We are sending this email to you because you are a part of a business which currently uses our services such as web hosting, web developme...
投稿日 2020-01-14 11:27
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Make your own sandwich.
My dat started with waking up 2:30am and saw snow. I rushed to the office t clear some snow.
We have apply and was approved to Web de Xpress ... PSPinc's Web Content Management Software as registered service mark.
Reversal I saw a wonderful commercial in Japanese ... I attempted to translate it, I don’t know if it makes sense. This is a commercial from a Japanes...
It’s a new year and most of us have a new set of goals. One business goal you should consider this year is giving your website an update. At the very least, make sure the copyright year is updated to 2020 on your homepage (usually in the footer). As important as it is for your website’s content and graphics to be r...
After the successful launch of coffee machine at our HQ building, we have installed another coffee machine at R&D building today. We got this coffee machine from https://www.agorarefreshments.com It is a hit.
Coffee machine went down yesterday and it was fixed today. So many people missed coffee from this machine. We are happy to have it back.
Today is the fist day that businesses in Japan start working in 2020. Because of the long new year holidays, we had huge traffic hike. In addition, on...