While this week, Mayumi Nakamura, CEO of PSPINC is at University of Washington for some type of Management Training Course. That means, PSPINC is operating without her for last 4 days now. It is not good as a company to loose CEO, but it is good for the company to be able to operate without her. Mayumi does so much...
Here are a QR Code & Calendar printed PSPINC 2011-2012 paper cup. Interesting idea. We are asking how much now. The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
PSPINC just released the site that enables you to upload your photos and share them with the world. Small versions are free but you are allow to sell the full size versions. http://www.freetinyimages.com/ Even if you are not interested in sharing or selling your photos, please visit the site. You can download cool images co...
The average SPAM gets 0.015% response. Yes, people respond to SPAM email too. So, if you send out 100,000 emails, You will receive 15 responses. For that 15 leads, you have spent almost no money, it is a good ROI, don't you think. This is the reason why you continue to see SPAM email.
Whom does PSPINC compete with and loose? Yes, we loose to particular competitors for our web and email hosting services. No, it is not to other Intern...
I purchased a computer at Office Depot ... Did you know Office Depot has a contract with Microsoft to ask about Office purchase to their customers. It is like "Do you want a tries with that?" at McDonald's. "Do you want an Office with it?" "No thanks." It is annoying.
Costco Japan is still selling iPod ... Interesting. Costco stop selling iPod in the USA.
Almost all furnitures that I ordered except a sofa are here. I have a very comfortable space here.
Other than this Bloguru, you may not know what PSPINC do. So, let me take a few posts to explain what we do. Today, I will talk about our main business. Web & Email Hosting "What is that? You may ask." (1) We register your internet domain name (mainly .com, .net). (2) Setup your web space using your domain n...
PSPINC is growing about 10% every year since this recession. Yes, we are growing despite the economy. We are growing in Japan. We are growing in the US. But I think there is an opportunity to grow even more in the US for our hosting services. There are other web & email hosting services out there but nobody o...