This new Korean restaurant does not clean tables after people leave. this is not a good sign. this restaurant should not last long.
Super Bowl was a place to announce new computer, IT and Internet products. I wonder if there is anything new that comes out today.
PSP California staff training is complete and she is heading home. Now PSP California have a permanent staff in Torrance.
There are few people brave the snow to got to work today, But for many this was just too much snow to get out of the house. I took this video as I came in to the office park this morning.
Here are the crazy people of PSPINC R&D who braved the snow to get to work today. There is one person made it all the way from Seattle to HQ today. Our data center is same as usual. Because of those people, PSPINC keeps growing. Thank you. I am one of crazy ones.
This was a scene this afternoon at PSPINC. Sales and marketing team got together to practice demonstrating the new feature of PSPINC hosting service "Content Management System". This CMS is 100% designed and built by PSPINC to provide easy maintenance tool to our web hosting customers. For more information, you can ...
We had an outage at our data center because the DELL storage failed. Now DELL is point fingers to everyone but themselves. That sucks. The service is back up now but we need to shut the service down several times to make sure we have all the back ups we need. This will be done after business ours today.
We started 2012 season today with the annual kick off meeting.
I went to Shell Gas Station near Bellevue College because I saw $3.399 sign. When I finished pumping I realized the price was $349.9. $339.9 is for "CASH" only. It is not much but I feel cheated. I guess Shell does not want a repeat customer.
I bought two small cables on eBay. They arrived today from CHINA. Those cable were cheaper than any other stores. But I did not think they will ship them from China. Are you telling me it is cheaper to shop those products from China to here than someone in the USA making them? There is something wrong with this.