One of the medications that I was prescribed does not agree with me at all. The medication in question is Sodium Bicarbonate, also known as Baking Sod...
When a project does not go well, many managers tend to see it as a "people" problem. However, in many cases, the real issue lies in "communication" an...
I was at the hospital from 8:30 AM until almost 4 PM today. I had breakfast at home, and for the first time since my hospitalization, I ate out for lu...
This morning, I had a blood test at the hospital at 8:30 AM, followed by a meeting with my nephrologist at 9:30 AM, where we adjusted my medication. L...
Is the Hosting Business Saturated in Japan? There’s a discussion about how the hosting business is saturated in Japan, but is that really the case? By...
When you hear "kidney transplant," what do you think happens? I used to believe they removed the old kidney—the one that wasn’t working—and replaced i...
Tomorrow, the 19th, will be the 18th day since my surgery was performed on February 1st. In the afternoon, the stent that was placed in the ureter con...
Not All Web & Email Hosting Are Created Equal In the world of web and email hosting, many providers claim to offer the same services. But the ...
In today’s highly digital world, having an online presence is a necessity. However, keeping up with how fast technology changes isn’t easy. Every business owner today knows how important it is to be online, but going into the digital realm with your brick-and-mortar store isn't always easy. Unfortunately, this hurdle m...
While technology continues to be innovative and incredibly helpful to businesses today, the one area in the industry that technology still hasn’t fully captured is the customer service market. Chatbots and robotic answering machines have become popular in the last few years, but the biggest pain point in the customer servic...