Business owners do not actually have many opportunities to talk face-to-face with a lot of their customers. What you know usually comes from the person in charge or Managers. I know that you would like to know directly from the customer if they are happy or not, especially when they are not happy.Opinion Stand ® is a ...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. would like to partner with web development professionals by providing our hosting service, Parcom. Parcom is a cPanel-based high performance hosting service built for WordPress. For those who decide to partner with us to host their websites with Parcom, we will pay back the hosting fee ...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. has proposed a new way to create a website that is better than ever before. What method did you use to create your w...
https://parcomweb.com is a web hosting platform Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. acquired few years back and relaunched this year. Here is Joshua McGahuey to explain what Parcom is. Parcom is a web hosting platform which combines WHMCS, a billing system, and C-Panel to give our customers full control over how the...
There is an idea that a website is for information broadcasting. However, websites are not a one-way medium like TV. Therefore, we can also receive input from visitors. The service introduced today will help you with that. InforMakers is an online form creation/delivery tool developed and provided by Pacific Software Publ...
Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services that we offer you. We have discovered something that needs to be fixed, as such we will re-deploy the informakers PHP 7 upgrade as below. InforMakers is a tool that allows our customers to buil...
The world is changing fast and as a business it is important for you to adapt and change to the times as well. Due to the Coronavirus, with so many people avoiding the traditional brick and mortar shopping experiences, selling your products online is one way for you to adapt to these changing times. For many business ow...
Aug 6 Vol. 23 We host more than 40,000 corporate websites. The hosting platforms we offer include the following (in addition to OEM services provided ...
Vol. 22 What do you think of when you think about Internet data security? Many people will think of a “username” and “password” as protection. When yo...
Vol. 21 NewsMAIL is a mail broadcast software system developed by Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in 1997. Broadcast communication was originally developed as a facsimile function that sends the same content to multiple parties. In addition to sending email, today's NewsMAIL offers the following func-tions to make it even ...