We have released the major update to the email system today. It will change the way the email is stored and delivered. Because of it, people are experiencing the re-download of the email (will not create duplicate). Please bear with us, it will pass within few hours. Once the reindexing is complete, the system will be much...
I started having email problem with my MacMail last night. I could not send email no matter what I did. I almost gave up and start using Thunderbird. This morning, I found the information (no older than 10 day old) on the net explaining two possible fixes. The first one was done many times by me and did not work. The sec...
Ever since I installed Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite ... the system is very unstable. Look at the video I captured today. I think Apple might be pushing thing too far too fast.
This is something I recommend you download for your iPad. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id569846869?mt=8
Now, domains are available at Google. When you register a domain at Google, what you can do with it still questionable. Not like you can have an email (Gmail) running user your domain, or it it? https://domains.google.com I have to investigate more.
Here is the new clock that was deployed today. This antic clock was found at furniture showroom in Seattle. What do you think?
Soon or later your computer will break. You know that is the fact. Since it will break, there are only few things that you can do to prepare for it. One of the things that you always have to do is to make sure you have at least one back up of everything important. But remember, your backup is also done on the computer, s...
We made another video explaining what IMAP is. Please take a look. IMAP の説明のビデオをつくりました。 御覧ください。...
We just deployed the brand nw website. Please let us know what you think. http://www.pspinc.com The site is designed to accommodate PC and Mobile users using "Responsive" technology. This means, the site changes to the size of the device you are looking at. I posted two images here. One is what the site looks like wit...
We are staring to build a web server using Raspberry PI one board computer. For the cost of less than $40 and the cost of Compact Flash Card, we have a working computer. The question is, can we build ultra low cost web server using Raspberry PI. If we can and it provides good enough performance, we can com up w...