Treats from our clients. We have received three (3) boxes of Rainier cherries from Nittsu people in Portland. We are currently developing computerize cherry tracking system for them. Our goal is to have the system ready for 2015 season. Thank you very much for those sweet cherries. They are so good.
Today is the 27th birthday of my company. I started Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. 27 years ago when I was 27. So that means I have been with the company half of my life.
Creating packages are one thing, selling packages are another thing. Long road ahead. Nothing is not build in one day.
Our most expensive giveaway golf balls are Titleist Pro V1x.
We are ready to start shipping sample package boxes.
There are lots more to do in order to release package. Products have to be 10 times better than what we usually assured for in order t meed the demand of package users.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. was born to publish software. We are still publishing software on the net but now we are starting to bring ourselves back to our origin. How many of you remember products like KanjiWORD and KanjiKit?
I talked about COSTCO hotdog yesterday. It looks like it gathered more attention than usual and I received a message from Facebook asking to promote this post. Tell me why do I want to pay to promote my hotdog posting? Funny. I guess there is no logic to determine if there is any reason to promote a page I posted.
Once in a while, $1.50 supper is not too bad. It is amazing how Costco can sell hotdog and drink for this price. We need to learn from that.
Last time Mr. Masayoshi Son (SOFTBANK) purchase Sprint, I lost money. He is at it again to purchase T-Mobile. I am not buying this stock again. Besides, since he purchased Sprint, he has invested nothing to Sprint. All he did was to cut costs by squeezing vendors. I like what T-Mobile did for let few years. I hope it will ...