For consideration for the environment PSPINC applied for ENVIROSTAR (http://www.envirostars.org/) certification. Yesterday, a person from the organization came to inspect us and gave us a three-star certification. There are a few more things that we must do but we will be shooting for four or even five-star certification ...
ScannedCards.com enables you to register your business card and issues you a funny looking symbol called RQ code. So, what is this QR code? A QR Code ...
ClockLink.com clocks are the world most widely used clock for Web and Blogs. Clocks had shown over 28 million times in last 24 hours. That means any given second, someone has open a web page or blog with clock 325 times. Seattle Time PSPINC will start ClockLink.com business development project soon. With this much ...
How many business cards have you collected last year? How about a year before that? Have you taken a time to put them in your contact database? Or you just have them in your drawers or boxes. Even if you put them on your contact database, you will never know if the information in your database is up to date. The pi...
I received this USB hub from the seminar that I attended. This comes in handy. Thanks to: http://www.timeequipment.com/ http://www.pcbennettconsulting.com/ http://www.persystconsulting.com/ http://www.madronasg.com/ http://www.imajnet.com/ for hosting the seminar.
I went to a seminar hosted at Microsoft by 5 Seattle Executives Association member companies. Those companies are; MADRONA SOLUTIONS GROUP FRIX TECHNOLOGIES TIME EQUIPMENT PC BENNETT PERSYST The main topic of seminar was to explain how to streamline your business with technologies that are available and of...
PSPINC has changed its company tag line from FOCUS ON YOUR BUSINESS, NOT YOUR IT to YOUR ONE SOURCE PROVIDER FOR INTERNT & COMPUTER SERVICES. We believe this is more direct and easier to understand what we do.
I went to PARK PLACE LTD in Bellevue to wash my car. They have all hand washed card wash at very reasonable price of $24.95. I was really impressed wi...
I found this deal on the net. If you are still using CRT monitor, do yourself a favor and buy this monitor. $199 is a great price and 24 size will mak...
We belong to a very prestigious business networking association called Seattle Executives Association (www.seattleexecs.org). There are 112 businesses...