Ken Uchikura of Pacific Software Publishing is initiated as President of Seattle Execs. He cautioned the membership about his expectations and they al...
Corey Coffman of LC Jergens Painting Company presented Shannon Woodman, outgoing President, with gifts and a clever roast of her accomplishments over ...
January 5, 2010 Seattle Executives Association Associate Meeting at Visual Media Group in Bellevue Jonathan Paz WIRE CRAFT ELECTRIC http://www.wirece....
To make room for more people for bloguru, we are deleting all inactive users from 2009 soon. Specially, the English version of bloguru will be down to less than three hundred users.
Above is our e-Smart special for this week. American Solutions for Business Inspiring Incentives - Dynamic Ideas - Solutions in Printed Products www.americanbus.com Seattle Office: 12720 Gateway Drive Seattle, WA 98168 206 - 851- 1992 Cell 206-957-5160 Direct Office Line 206-622-6955 Main Office Line Corporate Headqu...
This is Tiny, our president's K9. The black dog that appear briefly is my dog PomPom.
Its on Congressional report on credit card fees. Art Tay GRAVITY PAYMENTS 1434 Elliott Ave W Suite C Seattle, WA 98119 206-617-5511 www.gravitypayments.com Member SEA since 2006
One of the projects that I will be launching is something to do with QR code. It is very popular in the world except USA. That is a very good indication that we should be doing something. This was a ad, on NY Times by TIAA CREF. QR code is coming whether we like it or not. We should be in it. The term "QR Code" is a ...
It is another rare beautiful sunny day in Seattle. The work will stat tomorrow. I hope everyone is rested and ready to go.
What is PageRank? PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a web page is based on the number of links each page has. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is same as casting a vote for that page. The more votes(links) that are cast for a page, the more important the page is. Pa...