Seattle Executives Association Board of Directors met today at Bonney-Watson Company. Thank you, Cameron Smock for hosting the meeting! Welcome (Back)...
投稿日 2010-07-21 00:19
Movie blog & stuff
Vocaloids are fun. No?
投稿日 2010-07-20 23:52
Movie blog & stuff
I watched Inception the other day with 10 of my friends ('twas quite enjoyable, taking over half a row of seats... though taking a full row is even more exciting). It's very thought provoking and for a while, I was very irritated by the ending (Is it a dream???). But now I figure that Dom chose to walk away and live in the ...
SEA members volunteered to spend a lunch hour today reviewing the usability of the Seattle Execs website. Seattle Executives Assn Mayumi suggested a variety of areas where simplication can be made so that all members will be able to use this site for submitting leads, obtaining member information, etc. It was a valuable h...
The officers of Seattle Execs met on Friday to discuss this month's board of directors agenda. 1st VP is Lisa Woodstock, On Hold Concepts 2nd VP is Steve Greenbaum Greenbaum Home Furnishings, President is John Huey of Viking Bank, Viking Bank and Treasurer is Don Williams American Drapery, Blind and Carpet
投稿日 2010-07-19 21:35
Movie blog & stuff
You must worship the beauty of this post instead.
STANDING ROOM ONLY at Seattle Execs Office Today! Our largest group ever completed new member orientation today -- 8 new Execs are working their way through the "Fast Track!" Some of the group pictured clockwise: Amanda Goff, Point to Point Transportation Services, Tasha Branch, Turk's Head, Adam Broetje, cMed...
Seattle Execs officers met on Friday at 8 a.m. to prepare for the Board of Directors meeting to be held on July 22 at Bonney Watson. Lisa Woodstock of On Hold Concepts is 1st VP, Steve Greenbaum of Greenbaum's Home Furnishings is 2nd VP, John Huey of Viking Bank is President and Don Williams of American Drapery ...
We have deleted 29 inactive bloguru users today. If you are a registered user and have not post anything for one year, you will be notified and deleted. This is a message to Adam Broetje, a president of cMedia productions. You are going backwards. http://www.adamcantdate.com
Seattle Execs meeting today was a great example of a past president relaxing in the back of the room and enjoying time with other members. Ken Uchikura, PSP watches as new President, John Huey, of Viking Bank, Viking Bank introduces his new board and committee chairs for 2010.