The winning team of the Acquaintance Committee's "Neighborhood Contest" was announced at Wednesday's lunch meeting. The Northern Stars, led by Mustafa Bilal of Turk's Head were treated to a special lunch of surf & turf and champagne, as well. Great job in reaching out and getting to know your neighboring Execs...
Dear Dreamersi.net Customers, We have completed following upgrade today. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSPINC will be performing upgrades to our network equipment in a few days. Details are below: Time (PDT): July 15 2011 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Time (J...
The leadership of our Board of Directors and our Committee Chairs is one of the reasons Seattle Execs is so strong. Out-going president, Lisa Woodstock of On-Hold Concepts thanked her board members and committee chairs for their support.
Yesterday, Execs thanked out-going president, Lisa Woodstock of On-Hold Concepts for her leadership these past six months!
Today summer camp students enjoyed Okinawa music class by Noriko sensei who is from Okinawa prefecture. After they had a lecture about Okinawa dialect, instruments, songs and dance, they played the instruments. They were interested in them so much. In the end, they enjoyed dancing along with Okinawa song.
Summer Camp students had a ceramic art class last Friday. Children enjoyed touching clay and could finish making their own cups. After we get our cups from the oven later this month, we plan to have a traditional tea ceremony with our cups.
Dear Dreamersi.net Customers, PSPINC will be performing upgrades to our network equipment in a few days. Details are below: Time (PDT): July 15 2011 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Time (JST): July 16 2011 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM During this upgrade time, web services may become unstable for a couple minutes. If you have any...
What kind of American Food Do You Like? What is American Food?
Both Seattle and Bellevue Megumi celebrated a beautiful graduation on June 18th. Fourteen students from Seattle and thirty-four students from Bellevue...
Today is the first day of the three day weekend. I am planning to play golf today and on Monday. It seems like a nice day today.