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In celebration of Father’s Day, this June we held “Father’s Weeks” in Zo and Kuma classes at Bellevue Megumi, and were glad to have many fathers come ...
Released yesterday, June 13th, SEA's own book, "What We Have Learned." This book offers stories, anecdotes and lessons in business from the heads and hearts of the 95 year old Seattle Executives Association. If you're looking for business advice from the small business owners and managers who have already been the...
Seattle Executives Association elected new Board of Directors at today's meeting. Ed Shinbo of Acacia Florist, Board Member; Janet Pluntze of Payroll Solutions, Treasurer; Ed Rosen of Reibman & Rosen Jewelers, Board Member; John Brondello III of Time Equipment Company, 2nd Vice President; Gabriel Wright of Yuse...
It was Japanese local dish day, today. We served abura-somen, stir-fried somen noodles with pork and vegetables, from Amami Oshima area. Amami Oshima is a semi-tropical island which is located between Kyusyu and Okinawa islands. Have you gone swimming in ocean? There are some nice beaches in Amami Oshima esp...
As of July 5th, 2012, ClockLink will no longer support the TypePad Widget Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We recently fixed an issue that caused the 'AM' & 'PM' characters to not show up correctly on our 'Go Green' clock.
We started our first attempt to understand Google Pay Per Click advertisement and its effectiveness. We are promoting http://www.fazewire.com, newly acquired web hosting service using PPC. We will do this for three months to learn as much about PPC. The first PPC advertisement appeared at Google yesterday afternoon. F...
Zo students from Bellevue Megumi went to the Youth Theatre Northwest in Mercer Island to watch “Enchanted Tales” There were songs and humors throughou...
Today's school lunch was potato cropette. It was very tasty and crunchy outside!