During summer camp, the kids are using chawan (rice bawl) and chopsticks to eat lunch. Even those who are not used to using chopsticks, are taking this challenge and trying their best. They are getting better day by day!! Washington Bellevue Japanese preschool MEGUMI Pre-school
We have a calligraphy class every Tuesday for our summer camp. The students are learning how to use brushes and pencils with proper form and posture.W...
This week’s (second week of summer camp) there are activities including tanabata (star festival) and hiking. On Thursday, a field trip is planned. On ...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new Responsive theme today, called Summer BBQ, for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the new Responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, the responsive theme will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5. Thank you for help...
投稿日 2015-06-25 15:22
昨日は、東京→松山→西条→松山→大阪だったが、今日は陸路屋島往復です。 シロッコが速くて良かった。 こちらは雨が降り始めました。...
I got there early enough so that we did not have to wait. But about a half hour later, people without reservation are waiting. Good Father's Day venue.
投稿日 2015-06-14 00:33
Movie blog & stuff
What are must do's this summer? Be sure to plan some events with your friends. BBQs, trips, and parties are all great summer activities!
投稿日 2015-06-13 09:46
Movie blog & stuff
What is your favorite kind of BBQ? Charcoal? Gas? Electric?
Seattle Executives Association Board of Directors Election was held at our June 10 luncheon. Below are our newly elected officers. 2nd Vice President Jeff Svik of Berg's Landscaping Treasurer Steve Greenbaum of Greenbaum Home Furnishings Board of Directors Steve Bean of TRUEbenefits Jerri Eckmann of Moss Adams ...
投稿日 2015-06-05 17:53
最強コレクションの1つを出品しています。 http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k186360312...