Have you ever heard of icanhascheezburger.com? If so you are ahead of the curve. Tomorrow morning, Northwest Entrepreneur Network (http://www.nwen.org...
The sky is falling It does sound like the end of the world is coming if we don't do something. I am talking about H1N1 flu media coverage in Japan. In...
We are very happy to announce that we just updated and deployed PSPINC web site. (http://www.pspinc.com/) Although we build web sites for living, developing a Web site for non-paid customer, us, has very low priority. So, it took really long time. But, we are finally done. Please come take a look and let me know what y...
We have created bloguru download function for you. If you are planning to save what you have posted, please do so by using this new function. BTW, one of the reasons why we have made this function is that we are making GROUP BLOG as paid function. Starting in June, GROUP BLOG will be provided only to people and com...
This is the statement that we use to describe what we do at Seattle Executives Association. We have added web development in our classification. Email and Web server hosting and Web development PSP provides reliable hosting services for your Website and Emails. PSP also provides other internet solutions such as Email b...
Thank you for waiting. Today, we made it possible for you to post blog from your cellular phone. We have a documentation ready for at http://en.bloguru.com/PSP/help/email.htm. ENJOY!
I attended Web Strategy Seminar just before Seattle Executives Association meeting hosted by PerSyst Consulting (persystconsulting.com) this morning. ...
I don't know. Some say Yes and others say No. But I know the climate is changing. I do not know if it is caused by human or not, but it is changing. Y...
I closed mu Facebook account. I did not see it very useful for my business or my personal networking. Today I received an email from them stating that I can reactivate my old account using my email address and my password. They are telling me that they are going to keep my information (although it will not be available ...
Now I have my Bloguru Buddies visible, please feel free to request to connect. Thank you.