It occurs to me the natural energy direction can be thought of as "bringing out the best in ourselves and others". Instead of a defensive principle, it is my mission in life to use this idea to help myself and others.
I'm reading this book WALKERS CLIMBERS FLYERS. Leigh Durst gives us ways to enhance our workplace interactions that can be applied to all our relationships with family and our social networks.
In the Myers Briggs profiles I find myself evenly part of all the profiles. With Leigh's questions, I am a flyer. I am reading and rereading to figure out what is the best way to move forward in my life.
I help facilitate a Synergizer group with my Shaklee business and what we have worked on the most is to not be over reactive TO the negativity in society and to criticism thrown at us. Like the Judo Principle - USE THE DIRECTION OF THE ENERGY and the ENERGY for a better outcome.