
Megumi Preschool


Puppet Show

Puppet Show
We were so excited to be to welcome Mimibunko to our school and watch a puppet show! The title of the play was “The Glove” . They had arraigned the play with a little bit of Northwest flare so everyone was able to enjoy and relate to this classic. A glove is dropped on top of the white snow and various animals, a squirrel , a raccoon, a rabbit and so on find the glove and tale shelter in it… more and more animals squeeze into the glove till it can take no more and……. . It was a lot of fun to see animals that we have here in the Northwest try to find shelter in the glove. The Amazing staff that makes up Mimibuko put on a wonderful show but one of the reasons they are so good is that they encourage so much audience participation. They made sure to include our students in their play so we were not just watching we were taking part as well. This had a really great on all of our students.


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