Try to eat Japanese Bento

Bento is a Japanese-style packed lunch.(弁当(べんとう)は日本の昼食のスタイルの一つです。)

I think that bento is really popular with Japanese businessmen who want to save money and have lunch early. (弁当は特にお金を節約したいとか、早くお昼をすませたい日本のビジネスマンに人気があります。)

Also you can buy a bento in convenience stores where so many bentos are sold. (コンビニエンスストアには、たくさんの種類の弁当が売られており、そこで買うことができます。)
#aboutjapan #japaneseonline #jol


Minatomirai is beautiful

Do you know Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse?
This is famous sightseeing spots at Yokohama.
It often hold an event.

It hold Germany's event today.

There are Germany's beer, sausage and potato.
#JOL #Minatomirai


Honne and Tatemae

Honne are our honest thoughts and feelings and tatemae is what we are supposed to say in any given situation. (本音(ほんね)は、人が正直に思ったり感じたりしていること、建前(たてまえ)は、たとえ思っていたことでも、言わないほうがいいと思われることをいいます。)

Japanese people often avoid saying their honest feelings in order to keep harmony in their communities and society as a while. (日本人は、しばし共同体や社会の調和を保つために、本心をいうことをさける傾向があります。)

However, this culture causes misunderstandings between Japanese and foreigners, who may find these attitudes dishonest.(しかしながら、このような日本の文化は、それを不正直だと捉える外国人との間に、誤解をもたらしたりします。)
#aboutjapan #japaneseculture #japaneseonline #uchikuraco


Many pastries

In Japanese convenience stores, they have many pastries.

There are so many variety of pastries and we can choose from them.

Then, I wanna introduce two pastries from these.

First, this is "Melon bread". It's sweet bread because it's used sugar. But it's not including melon! (1つ目に”メロンパン”です。メロンパンは砂糖が使われているので、甘いパンです。ですが、メロンは含まれていません!)
The reason of this name is that this design looks like melon. So we might call "Melon bread".(この名前理由は模様がメロンのように見えるからです。だから私たちはメロンパンと呼ぶのかもしれません。)

Second, this is "Yakisoba dog". It's that Yakisoba is split between bread.
I think it looks weird for you guys.

Let's try to eat Japanese pastries!


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