
Tokumeigakarinoaoshima, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

insutanto ra-men ha nihon de hatsumei sa re ta syokuhin desu ga 、 genzai ha zen sekai de seizou oyobi syouhi sa re te i masu 。 nihon de ha yuumei na o mise no azi wo saigen shi ta mono ga hanbai sa re te i te ninki ga ari masu 。

Instant noodles was invented in Japan, but is now produced and consumed all over the world. In Japan, it is very popular because it reproduces the taste of famous restaurants.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 105 日本人がプライドを持つもの(にほんじんがプライドをもつもの)


(1) 配慮(はいりょ)


(2) 礼儀(れいぎ)(まも)


(3) 天皇(てんのう)陛下(へいか)


(4) 勤勉(きんべん)


(5) ルールを(まも)



What Japanese people take pride in

In every country, there are things that most people think are great about their country. So, what do Japanese people take pride in? Today, I’d like to look at a few:

(1) Consideration

Japan is an island nation where everyone lives in a small area. As a result, we naturally develop the habit of being considerate of everyone around us. Namely, we don’t talk loudly when other people are around or leave our garbage behind when we leave a room. Instead, we pay attention to our surroundings in our daily lives. I think this is the reason why the city is so clean.

(2) Respect

Because we tend to be considerate, there’s also a superior and inferior rule in Japan. When talking to a superior, we use respectful language. We also understand what we’re allowed to do and what we aren’t allowed to do. And we live our lives according to those rules.

(3) Royalty

It may be difficult for some people to understand, but most Japanese people believe that the emperor is very important. Therefore, when talking about the emperor and the royal family, we always use respectful language.

(4) Diligence

Japanese people generally try their best to do what needs to be done and what they’re told to do. However, I think there are many areas where Japanese people lack originality because of this.

(5) Rule following

This is related to consideration and politeness, but Japanese people follow the rules. And they take pride in following the rules. Conversely, they have little originality. It can then inadvertently lead to the problem of not being able to do something unless someone tells them what to do.

These are the things that Japanese people take pride in. They represent the Japanese character. If there are any other things that Japanese people take pride in, please let me know as I would like to hear your opinions.

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Image via Flickr under CC 2.0

Honmono no pokemonsentā wa, nipponzenkoku ni takusan arimasu. Ichiban ōkina mono wa Tōkyō ni ari, pokemon kafe mo heisetsu sa rete imasu.

There are many real Pokemon Centers throughout Japan. The largest one is in Tokyo and also has a Pokemon cafe.

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Nippon no zasshi ni wa furoku ga tsuiteiru koto ga arimasu. furoku ga meate de zasshi o kau toki mo arimasu.
Japanese magazines often come with freebies. Sometimes I buy magazines for the freebies.

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Jnn, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

hukubukuro ha 、 hyakkaten nado ga o syougatsu no hatuu ri de iroiro na mono wo tsu me te nakami ga wa kara nai zyoutai de hanbai suru syouhin desu 。 ninki no aru o mise ha o-pun mae ni kounyuu shi tai hito ga gyou retsu wo tsuku xtu te i masu 。

Furobukuro(mystery bag) is a product sold by department stores at the first sale of the New Year with a variety of items packed inside and the contents unknown. Popular stores have people queuing up to buy them before they open.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 104 世界一古い企業(せかいいちふるいきぎょう)





The Oldest Company in the World

Did you know that the oldest existing company in the world is located in Japan? It’s a company called Kongogumi and it builds and repairs shrines and temples in Japan.

Kongogumi was established in 578 A.D. and even has a website. The website of Kongogumi, which was established in 578 A.D. It may seem strange that a company established 1,222 years ago has a website, but it is not strange for a company that still exists to have a website.

Kongogumi’s history begins when three craftsmen (Kongo, Hayamizu, and Yongji) were invited to Japan from Baekje (a country that existed from the early fourth century to 660 in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula), far away in the sea, under the order of Prince Shotoku. One of them was Shigemitsu Kongo, the first generation of the Kongo clan. They were involved in the construction of Shitennoji Temple, Japan’s first official temple. Shigemitsu stayed here even after the Shitennoji Temple was completed and continued to protect the temple.

Up until 2005, the Kongo family managed Kongogumi. But in November of the same year, it continues to operate as a subsidiary of Takamatsu Construction.

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Momotarou2012, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

takoa ge ha 、 nihon de ha syougatsu no aso bi to shi te shi ra re te i masu 。

Kite flying is known as a New Year's activity in Japan.

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moguphotos, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

seijin no hi ha syukuzitu no 1 tsu de 1 gatsu no dai 2 getuyoubi ga o yasu mi desu 。
hatati ni naxtu ta o iwa i to shi te kaku shityouson de seizinshiki ga okona wa re te i masu 。

Coming of Age Day is one of the national holidays and falls on the second Monday of January.
Coming-of-age ceremonies are organized in each city, town and village as a celebration of turning 20 years old.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 103 自動車のナンバープレート (じどうしゃのナンバープレート)





全長 (ぜんちょう) 3,400mm (3.40m) 以下(


全幅(ぜんぷく) 1,480mm (1.48m) 以下(いか)
全高(ぜんこう) 2,000mm (2.00m) 以下(いか)
定員(ていいん) 4(めい)以下(いか)


Car license plates

Every car in the world, including Japan, has a license plate (or “number” in Japan, for short). Did you know that license plates in Japan can be different colors, based on how big the car is and how it’s being used?

Typical license plates are white with green letters, while commercial vehicles are the opposite: they’re green with white letters. Commercial vehicles are used for business and are registered as such. Commercial license plates are used for everything from cabs to buses to transport trucks. Additionally, light vehicles have yellow license plates with black letters. But for light business vehicles, their license plates are the opposite: black with yellow letters.

Notes: In addition to having an engine of 660CC or less, mini vehicles are subject to the following regulations:

Length: 3,400 mm (3.40 m) or less
Overall width: 1,480 mm (1.48 m) or less
Overall height 2,000 mm (2.00 m) or less
Capacity: 4 people or less

Cars that meet these requirements are called mini cars and registration fees and taxes are lower.

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Rice burger at MOS. Image via Wikipedia

Mosubāgā wa Nihon no hanbāgāfuranchaizu-ten de no shea wa dai 2-i de, Amerika no banzu o tsukatta hanbāgā o teikyō shite imasu. Mosu wa" maunten, Ocean, san" no kashiramoji o totta monodearu.

Mos Burger has the second largest market share of hamburger franchisees in Japan, offering burgers with rice buns. MOS is an acronym for "Mountain, Ocean, Sun."

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年賀状 (ねんがじょう)

By Halowand - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=23509552
Nippon no nengajō ni wa, otoshidama kuji ga tsuiteimasu.
Japanese New Year's cards come with a New Year's lottery.

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osechiryouri ha 、 kamisama wo omotenashi suru tame no kumotu ga gogen desu 。
samazama na ryouri ga zyuubako ni tsu me rare te i te 、 kenkou ya tyouzyu nado no imi ga ko me rare te i masu 。
ippanteki ni gantan kara san ga niti ni kake te ta be masu 。

The word "Osechi ryori" comes from an offering to entertain the gods.
A variety of dishes are packed in a stacked box, and are meant to bring health and longevity.
It is generally eaten from New Year's Day to the third day of the month.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 102 日本人は占いが好き (にほんじんはうらないがすき)




Japanese people love fortune telling

When you visit Japan, you’ll find many fortune telling services. There are fortune tellers on the streets, at shrines, and in many magazines as well.

There are many types of fortune telling services. The most common ones include birthdays, zodiac signs, stars, palm reading, and blood types. In Japan, there is a belief that a person's personality can be determined by his or her blood type. Fortune telling can also be used as a way to attract people in Japan. For example, posting a daily updated fortune on a website will help attract more users to the site every day.

The most common blood type in Japan is type A, followed by O, B, and AB. If you are going to Japan, it might be a good idea to know your blood type so that you can talk about it and make friends easily.

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