
Japanese sake and cuisine

I’m often asked by Americans, “I often use wine for cooking, but can I also use Japanese sake?” Japanese sake contains many umami flavors not found in wine, so it’s great that they can be used in anything.

Eliminating odors
Of course, sake is not only effective in eliminating odors from fish and seafood, but also from pork and lamb. Of course the odor dictates lamb meat, however, when adding Japanese flavor to your cooking, add Japanese sake to any food when the odor is too strong, then leave it for approximately two minutes for the odor to disappear.

Effective in softening proteins
Placing chicken breasts, red beef, and / or meat for stew in a zip lock bag filled with sake prior to marinating eliminates the dryness from the meat and adds flavor. Sake greatly enhances the flavor of meat for barbeque and yakiniku.

Adds umami flavor
From broiled dishes to soup dishes, Japanese sake is useful in a variety of dishes, as our readers know. Surprisingly, Japanese sake also enhances the flavors of Western soup, especially in seafood, along with pasta and various other dishes. Please give it a try. Actually, sake is also great when used even in instant ramen noodles!

Japanese sake is great for cooking
Sake for cooking or Junmai sake is great for food preparation. While Ginjo and Daiginjo are great for drinking, Junmai is better suited and more effective for cooking due to it’s higher concentration of umami flavors.













니혼슈와 요리

미국 사람들로부터 "와인은 요리에 사용하곤 하는데 니혼슈도 사용할 수 있습니까?" 라는 질문을 종종 받습니다. 니혼슈에는 와인에는 없는 감칠맛 성분이 많기 때문에 어디에든 사용할 수 있어서 좋습니다.

냄새 제거
물론 어패류에도 효과적이지만 돼지고기나 양고기 등의 냄새를 없애는 데도 효과가 있습니다. 양고기 특유의 냄새가 매력적일 수도 있지만, 일본식 양념을 할 때 냄새가 너무 강한 경우 니혼슈를 뿌리고 약 2 분 정도 두면 냄새도 사라집니다.

단백질 유연 효과
닭가슴살이나 쇠고기의 살코기, 스튜용 고기를 밑간하기 전에 니혼슈가 담긴 지퍼백에 넣어두면 뻑뻑한 느낌이 없어지면서 맛있어집니다. 바베큐나 구이용 고기가 더 맛있어지는 것입니다.

감칠맛 추가
조림부터 찌개까지 니혼슈를 다양하게 사용할 수 있다는 것은 여러분도 잘 알고 있을 것입니다. 의외로 양식 수프, 특히 해산물이 들어간 음식에 니혼슈를 넣으면 더욱 맛있어집니다. 물론 파스타나 다른 요리에도 사용할 수 있으니 시도해 보면 좋을 것 같습니다.
실은 인스턴트 라면에 약간 넣어도 맛있습니다.

요리와 잘 어울리는 니혼슈
요리주나 준마이슈가 좋습니다. 긴죠나 다이긴죠는 마시기에는 좋지만 요리로서의 효능을 보자면 감칠맛이 좋은 쥰마이슈가 더 좋습니다.
#cooking #sake #sommelier


Take in the big picture

By Yuji Matsumoto

In the past twenty years, Japanese beer, sake and shochu sales have expanded according to the increasing number of Japanese restaurants opening. There is plenty of growth potential for the Japanese restaurant industry in the U.S., which constitutes only two percent of the scale of the U.S. restaurant industry, yet the market share is marginal. From a national perspective however, U.S. supermarkets and liquor shops carrying sake is equal to none.

From the beginning, the successful foreign alcoholic beverage in the U.S. is of course wine. Not limited to French or Italian restaurants, wine selections are also offered in Japanese, Chinese and Mexican restaurants as well. Moreover, supermarkets carry hundreds of wine selections, while there are no stores that don’t carry wine. While it’s difficult to compare sake to wine without considering cultural background and history, it’s important to reference both if the goal is to become the world’s next alcoholic beverage to be consumed with meals. There is still much to learn in setting the profitability, sales & distribution routes and marketing methods. Also, another hard liquor that is not originally found in the U.S. and has proven successful in the market is tequila. Tequila is also a product that’s sure to be found almost 100 percent in any restaurant that serves distilled liquor.

Here is another area that leaves much to be learned for the shochu and sake industries. This is only in reference to California (where restaurants offer Soju and Shochu), where some places debate whether to import Soju or not: it’s best to develop a larger market. Also, it’s important to ask why tequila gained such a huge market share. The development of representative cocktails like margaritas and advertisements along with efforts by both the industry and nation has proven effective.

Also, the trademark for tequila is held impressively by Mexico, which means tequila produced outside of Mexico cannot be called tequila. It’s obvious at first glance that considering the nation’s tax revenue and acquisition of foreign currency, the economic benefits are significant.

Since the Japanese sake and shochu industry cannot complete a simple task like the standardization of labels, proposing global strategies is surely a goal for the distant future.



もともと他国のアルコールで米国で成功しているのはもちろんワイン。何もフランス料理店やイタリア料理店に限らず、日本食店、中華料理やメキシカン料理店でもワインは必ず置いてある。ましてはスーパーには何百という品ぞろいがあり、ワインを置いてないところは無い。もちろん、日本酒をワインと比較することには文化的背景や歴史を考慮すると無理があるが、世界の食中酒を目指すなら参考にするべきだ。利益率の設定、販売流通網、マーケティング方法などは見習うべきだ。また、もともと米国になく成功しているハードリカーにテキーラがある。このテキーラも蒸留酒を扱えるレストランなら100%と言っても過言ではなく置いてある商品だ。ここにも焼酎や日本酒の業界が勉強する点がある。加州のみの話(Soju とShochuuの取り扱える店)ではあるが、業界はSojuとして輸入する、しない等、意味のない議論をしているところもあるが、もっと大きな市場開拓に目を向けるべきである。そして、テキーラがなぜこれだけ増えたかを考えるべきだ。マルガリータを代表としたカクテルの開発と宣伝など、業界と国の努力がここに来て功を奏している。また、すごいことにテキーラはメキシコ国が登録商標をもっており、メキシコ以外でテキーラを製造してもテキーラと呼べないのだ。自国の税収、外貨確保を考えると非常に大きな経済効果をもたらしていることは一目瞭然である。

#alljapannews #sake #sommelier


Sake Tasting

Experience and knowledge are indispensable for sake tasting, but doing many tastings absent-mindedly does not help.

Many tend to think that a person must have an excellent sense of judging taste (to have people think that way is very flattering), but that isn’t necessarily so. Also, those who wish to become a sake sommelier seem to think that one must keep on trying different types of sake.

To be able to taste sake, the most importing to do is to identify and set your own tasting criteria. The criteria are not based on one’s preferences, so one must find the foundation that become the basis for judging various sake. One must have that foundation in place to be able to recognize aroma, acidity, body and umami, that different types of sake have. Knowledge and information that you gather would supplement that to help correctly and fairly assess sake products.

So how can one establish that foundation for establishing your own tasting criteria? Here is the quickest and least expensive way of doing it, based on my own experience.

First, buy low-priced sake at a store. Try it every day for 15 days, even if you don’t like it or it’s simply horrible (some people may need 20 days). Do not drink it until it makes you drunk. It’s most important that you drink a certain amount every day, even if it’s just enough to fill an ochoko (tiny sake cup). Do not try other sake while you’re trying one.

Stop for two to three days to rest your liver, then do a tasting of a different sake. You will probably realize that you can profile the sake to surprising details. The differences in acidity, the body, aroma, and umami, as well as aftertaste intensity – you should be able to clearly tell those differences.

Once you have that understanding, all you need to do is study on which step of the process makes those differences. Also, deepen your understanding on raw ingredients and water, and study how to express them as well as food pairings. This way, you will become a great sake sommelier.







#alljapannews #sake #saketesting #sommelier


To avoid being on the “losing team”

By Yuji Matsumoto

This is a trend I’ve recently noticed in the last two to three years, but I’ve noticed a widening division between the winning vs. losing brands of sake and shochu.

The reason is as follows:
- While the economy is slowly recovering, customers are still reluctant to loosen their purse strings
- The selling products vs. those that don’t are clear at the storefront
- At restaurants, labor costs (next year, the minimum wage will increase), food ingredients, and especially variable costs for fish and seafood, and fixed rental fees are increasing while the cash flow is tight.

Especially on site, because the retention time directly influences the cash flow, future tasks includes how to increase merchandise turnover.

While there is no problem as long as the merchandise is turning over, it’s likely that restaurants are considering that perhaps, it’s better to rotate cheap Japanese sake (if not, it’s a dangerous sign) rather than having expensive Japanese sake worth 500 dollars sit in storage (with a retention period of 2~3 weeks).

What must the sake and shochu industry do in order to remain competitive “winners” in the industry?

-Are you effectively communicating and impressing the quality of your products to customers?

This is the first consideration to be made. The use of materials and verbal communication does not necessarily equate to effective understanding by customers.

For example, do you offer limited promotions?

On site, table tents and creating new menus require already limited time and manpower, with very few restaurants actually able to make such offers. Thus, help from sake manufacturers and wholesalers are greatly appreciated by onsite staff.

Also, more involvement in staff training and study sessions are helpful. To make sure your company brand won’t be one of the ‘losing’ brands, I feel it’s becoming even more important for both sake manufacturers and their wholesalers to place more effort into sales strategies.



- 景気は若干回復はしているものの依然消費者の財布の紐はかたい
- 現場で売れ筋の商品と売れない商品がはっきりとしてきている
- レストランでは、人件費(来年はさらに最低時給があがる)、素材、特に鮮魚類の価格などの変動費、レントなどの固定費も上昇でキャッシュフローがタイトであることがあげられる。






#alljapannews #sake #sommelier


Bizarre labels on Japanese Sake bottles

By Yuji Matsumoto

While I’ve written repeatedly in the past about the lack of marketing efforts in branding Japanese sake bottles, it’s very disappointing that most breweries still haven’t implemented my suggestions. Every time a new Japanese sake product is introduced, many manufacturers still use labels very different from previous ones.

The bizarre marketing strategy is evident as soon as one picks up a product. Take vodka for example. While colors of the bottles may change, neither the label design nor the fonts of corporate logos ever change. Wine, whiskey, beer, etc., no matter what product you grab, the branding is such that customers immediately recognizes the manufacturer at first glance.

Wine labels share the same design, but different shapes of bottles and colors depending on the variety of grapes. For vodka, the shapes of the bottles are the same, and only the color of the label is changed according to the flavor. For beers, light vs. regular is differentiated by color, while the design is the same.

Designs of alcohol products are standardized in this manner. However, why not so with Japanese sake? Considering the cost and time required to launch a product, the lack of standardization in design for marketing purposes is “bizarre” to say the least.

I once heard from a sake manufacturer that when displaying sake bottles in small retail shops, various products by the same brand lining the shelves would confuse consumers, thus there was no choice but to change the labels. Another’s opinion was that if one brand fails, sales of other products under the same brand would also suffer due to chain reaction.

Looking at the current brands of Japanese sake, there isn’t one manufacturer whose labels are standardized among Nigori, Junmai, Ginjo, and Daiginjo. The changes in design and fonts are easy to notice.

American consumers are very loyal to brands. While the majority of them cannot read Japanese, using a standardized logo design would help consumers who happened to like Junmai to next sample Ginjo, Daiginjo, or Nigori sake.








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Evaluation of the Japanese sake

By Yuji Matsumoto

It’s simple to state that sake is a beverage of taste, selected and consumed according to individual preferences.

However, “delicious” share the following common characteristics:
• Sweetness
• Acidity
• Saltiness
• Bitterness
• Umami flavors

The balance between these common elements is important to produce this “delicious” flavor. What’s referred to as one’s “preference” is in addition to this balance being achieved first, with some preferring the “sweet flavor” slightly more enhanced than the other four flavors to deem the sake delicious. The phrase “secret ingredient” commonly used in cooking refers mostly to the introduction of a lacking taste (like acidity, umami flavor, etc.) to enhance the “delicious flavor.” (In Japanese sake, the “secret ingredient” refers to the blending of sake at times with another sake prepared in a different tank to adjust the flavor).

This same concept applies to Japanese sake, where the even balance of these flavors (hardly any saltiness contained) is examined to evaluate sake. Sweetness and acidity is easy to recognize since these flavors ‘attack’ the palate immediately upon consumption. However, umami flavors are embedded deep in the sake, usually detected in the aftertaste and when the sake passes the tongue. Also, depending on the temperature of the sake and the food that is consumed with the sake, the umami flavors sometimes become quite notable. Thus, caution must be exercised to evaluate various umami flavors, for some have a long-lasting aftertaste while others dissipate quickly.

For those who like enhanced dry flavor in a well-balanced sake will likely prefer an acidic taste immediately upon consumption with a short-lived aftertaste, while those who like sweet flavors will likely prefer sake with a fruity aroma that is rich and long in aftertaste.

To select Japanese sake that is truly to your liking (or to the customer’s liking if you’re a sake sommelier), please take the time to experiment by changing the sake temperature and the food accompanying the sake.








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How to select and recommend Japanese sake

By Yuji Matsumoto

The number of Japanese sake brands available in the U.S. is increasing annually with approximately 450 brands offered domestically. Compared to the approximately 1,500 sake breweries in Japan with approximately 20,000 brands available nationwide, only two percent is being distributed in the U.S. How to select and recommend Japanese sake from these available brands is the challenge for restaurants in the near future.

How to select sake brands according customer segment and prices
Although Japanese sake is popular, it’s not effective to offer popular sake brands indiscriminately. Doing so could invite potential problems with quality management, leading to possible complaints by customers, thus caution is advised.

Review average customer spending
First, let’s review how to select Japanese sake brands and price setting according to the restaurant’s average customer spending. If customer spending is approximately $25, the average for a full dining restaurant, the food ratio is approximately 80% with drinks (including non-alcoholic) is approximately 20%. (The higher the customer spending, the higher the drink ratio, while decrease in customer speeding tends to decrease drink ratio also) If customer spending is high in a restaurant, it’s possible to offer high-priced Japanese sake by the bottle, while restaurants with low customer spending best consider selling high quality Japanese sake by the glass to lowering prices.

Also, offering a wide range of sake brands slows turnover rate, leading to quality management problems. Therefore, limiting the number of sake brands sold by the glass and thorough staff training is necessary. Sake samplers with dishes sold in sets are recommended to encourage customers to sample sake casually.

Appropriate markup of Japanese sake depends on the restaurant, with many setting the price from 2 to 2.5 times the purchase price. However, for high quality Japanese sake priced at over $50 for 720 ml bottles, pricing at 1.5~ 2 times the purchase price, topped at 2.5 times the purchase price is appropriate.

When selling sake by the glass, costs vary drastically by offering from 720 ml or 1.8L bottles. No matter how high quality a sake brand is, any glass of sake priced over $25 for 5 oz. is difficult to approach for many customers. For restaurants where customer spending is approximately $25, prices for major sake brands set between $5 ~ $7 by the glass makes it easier for customers to sample.

Review customer segment
Brand selection also varies according to customer segments. For restaurants with many young customers not familiar with Japanese sake, sweet sake like nigori (unfiltered) sake is predominantly popular. Therefore, considering nigori-based cocktails for SAKE cocktail nights or happy hours is recommended.







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